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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Dreadnaught Patrol (19 September 2715)

GUARDIAN LOG - Aron Drexel (Titan)
19 September 2715
Hall of Souls, near the Court of Oryx
Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn

I hate working with Randoms.

You know; random Guardians.  Teammates that are forced upon you for some crazy mission dreamt up by the Vanguard.  It’s not that I dislike them personally, or that they can’t get the job done - though sometimes my experience has been that they can’t.  The thing is, you never know what you’ll get.  To be fair, the same is true for them.

It’s been four days since Oryx showed up in the Sol system.  Guardians have been able to seize much of the Dreadnaught, but because of their trans-dimensional nature, the Taken are making it difficult to call any particular area ‘secure’.  Fireteams have pushed the enemy back and taken control of key locations, only to find themselves fighting the same engagements over again when the Taken appear out of thin air.

Such is today’s boondoggle; insert via the area known as the Hull Breach and move toward the Hall of Souls.  Ikora Rey described a chest, contents unknown, protected by some sort of spell.  They don’t know what’s in the thing, but they’re quick to decide that we need to go retrieve whatever we find inside.  Upon initial discovery, attempts to open the chest were unsuccessful and required several ghost resurrections.  The Vanguard suggested that we try combining our Supers to accomplish it.  Essentially, I will cast my Ward of Dawn over the chest and then back out of the area so that a Warlock can summon his flame shield and enter the bubble to open the chest. 

Great plan, right?  Know what fouls up a great plan?  People being dumb.  None of the factions trust each other enough to allow the damned chest to be open without a ‘representative’ present.  That’s how I found myself in the company of an overly cheerful Hunter sporting New Monarchy threads and a particularly grim Warlock dressed in the black, black and black of Dead Orbit. 

When I’m working with Kat and Garm-12, we often don’t need to communicate verbally.  Anything that needs to be sniped, or removed silently falls to Kat.  Garm will usually disperse large groups of enemies with his space magic.  I break things.  It works well for us.  I have no idea what these guys can do.  I honestly can't even remember their names.
So when I called out the Hive Knight that suddenly appeared on the ledge above us, the part of me that Commander Zavala would call my ‘lazy brain’ just assumed that my Hunter teammate would snipe the accursed thing.  Was it not obvious that I was occupied punching the endless stream of Shadow Thrall being birthed by the Consumed Wizard that we couldn’t seem to kill?   

Apparently not.

You know what’s funny about the immense disappointment I’m feeling right now? 

I won’t have any memory of it when my ghost revives me a few moments from now.